11th Skin
Friday, November 14, 2014 at 6:33 AM with 0 comment[s]

Heyya, homo sapiens!

This is my 11th skin and after this I'll be on hiatus for blogskins account. I've been busy with my school activities and lately I've no ideas on how to design the template. It's pretty plain, and that's so obvious that I've no ideas. LOL.

There are no top button, disabled highlight text and disabled open the page source. Please add it by your own. LOL what a lame.

Just to remind you that please change the CBOX to your own. That's a display for my templates and don't wasting your time to keep spamming because that CBOX is locked. You don't have to change the follow ID because it's automatically changed to yours.

Please don't remove the credits, claimed it as yours or you known as ripping. Ripper is not my style~ If you need a basecodes, you have to ask a permission to me.

  • A sidebar.
  • Header.
  • Scalloped edges.
  • An open tab for navigation button.
  • Shori's pictures. *OMG OMG OMG.

Bold. Italic. Underline. Strikethrough.

Smallest. Small. Normal. Large. Largest.

Welcome to my blog!

Write a little introduction of yourself here for us to get to know you better. It doesn't have to be a long-winded autobiography - just a few facts or likes and dislikes will do. You can also put welcome notes for your visitors. Oh change this image with your own :)

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Your followers gadget here. You can change to other gadgets; twitter, instagram, clock etc.

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Credits to them

Template made by Rin. Inspiration from Bening and Jeanne. Some codes from Auseptiaa. Image from Tumblr. Scalloped edges from Miki.

Best resolution is 1366px x 768px.
Best viewed in Google Chrome.

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